The Passenger

~ Alpi (Photography; June 2024)

The Guardian

~ Moving pictures: travelling cinema takes stories of ‘departures and dreams’ to Senegal (Photography; April 2024)


~ Terra che Scivola (Photography; April 2024)


Sulle Alpi tornano i lupi ma non tutti sono contenti (Documentary; February 2024) (w/Tommaso Merighi)

La Svolta Indispensabile di Elly Schlein (Article, April 2023) (w/Tommaso Grossi)

Il Partito Democratico Non Ha Soluzioni (Article; May 2022) (w/Tommaso Grossi)

Every week, Internazionale picks the best articles from around the world and translates them for Italian readers. 


~ Italy's social democrats are adrift (Article; October 2022) (w/Tommaso Grossi)

It remains to be seen whether the Democratic Party can reverse its course to defend the interests of those it has long left behind.

The Nation

Italy's Government Completely Broke Down and Nothing Changed (Article; September, 2019)

A description of the political crisis that brought down Italy's far-right leader Matteo Salvini.

~ Can Elly Schlein Pull Italy to the left? (Article; April 2023) (w/Tommaso Grossi)

An analysis of Italy's new leader of the centre-left and the obstacles she faces. 

˜ The Damage Silvio Berlusconi Leaves Behind (Article (June 2023) (w/Tommaso Grossi)

Silvio Berlusconi's legacy in Italian politics and beyond.

Atlante delle Guerre

~ No Place to Go (Photography; March 2022) 

In December 2021 I was illegally smuggled into Myanmar to take pictures in Daw Noh Ku, an IDP camp built in the middle of the jungle to escape from the military's terror campaign against civilians. 

Shots Magazine

~ No. 157 - Fall Issue 2022 : MYTH AND MEMORY (Fall, 2022)

A photo from my series, Catharsis, was selected and published on Shots Magazine


~ Italy’s Democrats Are the Party for the End of History (Article; May 2022) (w/ Tommaso Grossi)

An analysis of Italy’s Democratic Party and its inability to break with political conservatism, fueling the rise of the far-right.

Il Manifesto

Identità e Mercato: le Radici Neoliberali del Sovranismo (Article; June 2020)

An interview with Quinn Slobodian, author of Globalists, on the intersection between economic and nationalist discourse. 


~ Volturno Stories (Documentary; March 2019)

The stories of those who have dedicated their lives to fighting for the weakest in Castel Volturno, a ruined city just two hours south of Italy's capital city. 

Jacobin Italia

~ Due pesi e due misure (Article; April 2020)

A critical comparison between public spending for welfare and public spending to support businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic.

~ Non c'è solidarietà senza conflitto (Article; March 2020)

An analysis of the role of solidarity and conflict in the making of an alternative political horizon. 

~ Queste non sono elezioni normali (Article; December 2019)

Reporting from the UK on the general election.

~ Il Mito della fondazione  (Article; September 2019)

A critical analysis of the meaning behind the European Parliament's adoption of the "Importance of European remembrance" motion, in which Communism and Nazism are equated. 

~ Il fenomeno del Momentum (Article; March 2019)

An interview with Jon Lansman, founder of Momentum, the grassroots organisation that campaigned for Jeremy Corbyn's election and the adoption of left-wing policies in Labour's political programme. 

The Vision

Come l'hashtag anti-alleanza PD/M5S è stato manipolato artificialmente (Article; March 2018)

A study of social media activity behind an influential hashtag. 

Dobbiamo pretendere un reddito di quarantena per salvarci dalla crisi (Article; March 2020)

A study of the history and application of Universal Basic Income policies.


~ Per un'esistenza condivisa (Article; April 2020)

An opinion piece on anxiety and its political potential. 

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